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Greg duManoir
Associate Professor of Teaching
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Office: Art 138Phone: 250.807.9958
Email: greg.dumanoir@ubc.ca

Courses & Teaching
HMKN 200: Exercise Physiology I
HMKN 310: Exercise Physiology II
HMKN 311: Exercise Prescription
HMKN 312: Laboratory Techniques in Cardiorespiratory Physiology
HMKN 391: Advanced Functional Anatomy
HMKN 495K: Advanced Training Techniques
HMKN 336: Tissue Injury & Repair
PhD 2010 University of Western Ontario. “The effect of age on the relationship amongst oxygen uptake, leg blood flow and muscle deoygeneation kinetics during moderate-intensity exercise”
MSc 2002 University of Alberta. “The effects of a 2000-m rowing race and 10 weeks of combined strength and endurance training on left ventricular systolic function
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Lewis NC, Bailey DM, duManoir GR, Messinger L, Lucas SJ, Cotter JD, Donnelly J, McEneny J, Young IS, Stembridge M, Burgess KR, Basnet AS, Ainslie PN. (2014) Conduit artery structure and function in lowlanders and native highlanders: relationships with oxidative stress and role of sympathoexcitation. Journal of Physiology. 592(Pt 5):1009-24.
- Smirl JD, Lucas SJ, Lewis NC, duManoir GRSmirl JD, Lucas SJ, Lewis NC, duManoir GR, Smith KJ, Bakker A, Basnyat AS, Ainslie PN., Smith KJ, Bakker A, Basnyat AS, Ainslie PN. (2014) Cerebral pressure-flow relationship in lowlanders and natives at high altitude. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metababolism. 34(2):248-57.
- duManoir GR, DeLorey DS, Kowalchuk JM, and Paterson DH. (2010) Differences in exercise limb blood flow and muscle deoxygenation with age: contributions to O2 uptake kinetics. European Journal of Applied Physiology 110(4):739-51.
- duManoir GR, DeLorey DS, Kowalchuk JM, and Paterson DH. (2010) Kinetics of VO2, limb blood flow and regional muscle deoxygenation in young adults during moderate-intensity, knee-extension exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology 108(3):607-17.
- Peltonen JE, Paterson DH, Shoemaker JK, Delorey DS, duManoir GR, Petrella RJ, and Kowalchuk JM. (2009) Cerebral and muscle deoxygenation, hypoxic ventilatory chemosensitivity and cerebrovascular responsiveness during incremental exercise. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 169(1):24-35.
- DeLorey DS, Kowalchuk JM, Heenan AP, duManoir GR, and Paterson DH. (2007) Prior Exercise Speeds Pulmonary O2 Uptake Kinetics by Increases in Both Local Muscle O2 Availability and O2 Utilization. Journal of Applied Physiology. 103(3):771-8.
- duManoir GR, Haykowsky MJ, Syrotuik DG, Taylor DA, and Bell GJ. (2007) The Effect of High Intensity Rowing and Combined Strength and Endurance Training on Left Ventricular Systolic Function and Morphology. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 28(6):488-94.
- Peltonen JE, Kowalchuk JM, Paterson DH, DeLorey DS, duManoir GR, Petrella RJ, and Shoemaker JK. (2007) Cerebral and tissue oxygenation in acute hypoxic ventilatory response test. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 155(1):71-81.
Complete Publication List: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=duManoir+GR